
Hypnosis can treat a wide range of conditions.  It is a gentle and tranquil state of total mental and physical relaxation which allows you to access the knowledge and abilities within the subconscious mind.

During hypnosis it is possible to find the root causes of any problem and to re-programme unresourceful old programmes.

NLP, sometimes referred to as ‘practical magic’ is a form of brief, solution focused therapy which creates long-term positive results. Together they form a powerful combination.

Here are some of the most common conditions treated:

  • Stop smoking, overeating and curb excessive drinking                            
  • Overcome anxiety, panic attacks and phobiasdrop1
  • Conquer migraines, insomnia and PMT
  • Relieve anger, guilt and depression
  • Control pain
  • Solve relationship problems
  • Hypnosis for fertility
  • Lower blood pressure, stop blushing and stammering
  • Gain confidence and assertiveness
  • Beat stress and learn deep relaxation
  • Improve your performance in sports and arts
  • Enhance memory and pass exams.
  • Master public speaking and presentations.

Hypnotherapy  usually only requires  just  a few sessions in contrast to conventional counselling for conditions to resolve or improve considerably:

  • Sleep problems take generally just one hour
  • Smoking cessation in just two hours
  • Gastric Band weight loss hypnosis requires three treatments
  • Stress and anxiety improve in four to six sessions

Any three or more sessions pre-booked and pre-paid will be offered at a discount.


Please note that I am not able to treat psychotic illnesses such as schizophrenia or personality discorders, severe drug addictions such as heroin use, alcoholism or sexual problems; unless as part of couple counselling.

Please call or e-mail for a confidential chat about any of the above treatments or to book.

Tel. 01628 633509
